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Women's Impact Network Logo

Our Mission

The Women's Impact Network's (WIN) mission is to encourage, impact, and empower women in both business and life.

Who we are

The purpose of WIN has been to enhance the personal and professional growth of business women. It should be noted that WIN is the largest division of the Moore Chamber of Commerce with over 100 active participants. It is made up of business leaders that come together for networking, professional and leadership opportunities and exciting events. 


  • Empower and develop members to embrace leadership opportunities.
  • Develop programs focused on the mission of the Women's Impact Network.
  • Provide communication to engage membership.
  • Encourage WIN members to promote innovative thinking and embrace opportunities for positive change.
  • Continue to Give Back to the community.


  • Grow your professional network.
  • Take advantage of professional development opportunities.
  • Find a mentor or be a mentor for others.
  • Build lifelong relationships.


Yes, to become a WIN member you must be employed by a Chamber member's business.

Not sure if your company is a member of the Moore Chamber of Commerce, click here to check our directory of members to verify.

What we do

The WIN program currently consists of the following:

Two luncheons a year –We will host two WIN luncheons a year with an average attendance of 100. Our 2nd luncheon (usually in September) is our annual "Girl Boss" luncheon. The format consists of a panel of exceptional Oklahoma women leaders with Q&A.

WIN Networking Hour – Hosted at a different business and normally scheduled for the last Tuesday of each month, the WIN Networking Hour is a 4-5 pm event exclusively for the women's network group of women. There is no cost to host a monthly networking hour, you provide the location and refreshments. Contact Tish Norman to book your month.

There are sponsorships associated with the two WIN luncheons with different levels of exposure and involvement. You may also purchase tables of 8 or individual tickets. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor or attending an event, contact Tish Norman for details.

See the Calendar of Events for details on all the WIN events.

If you are a Moore Chamber member and want to join the WIN email group, email Cheryl Patterson with your information.